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In creating this website, our goal was to share knowledge and experiences from our careers. The Guest Post is an excellent way for everyone to provide & share leadership and career knowledge, tips and golden nuggets. Think about it, the CG is approximately 50,000 people strong, so that is a lot of leadership and career knowledge we could share among ourselves.
Your thoughts, insights and words of wisdom is an excellent way to give back and assist others. Your submission could be a OER/EER bullet as well.
For those of you who are hesitant to submit a post because your are junior in rank or your writing skills are not strong. We strongly encourage you to submit. In our opinion, your young/junior perspective view is welcomed because it may differ and for those who question their writing skills-allow us to assist you, if needed.
Submission Guidelines: CG Learning The Ropes is committed to providing professional, insightful, positive content that improves careers. As you develop a guest post for submission, please consider the following guidelines:
All submissions must be original and not previously posted online.
CG Learning The Ropes has the right to deny any submission.
The ideal post length is 500 words (approximately 1-page), and may include bulletized lists and quotes.
Book reviews are welcome.
Our content manager will edit the copy for grammar and content to provide the best possible post for the audience. However, the original author will give final approval before publishing.
The author may contribute in his/her own name or anonymously, but retains copyrighted ownership of the ideas and materials contained within.
If you are interested send an email to with the subject line "Guest Post Submission". Expect a response over the weekend.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Guest Post: Text
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